Recall petition is reported to have received 476 signatures

John Walters, the main proponent in gathering signatures towards the recall of Broken Bow Mayor Jonathon Berghorst, has informed KCNI/KBBN that the petition has been submitted.

According to a press release, Walters filed the recall petition for the Broken Bow mayor at 1:00 pm today. The petition, which was filed with the Custer County clerk, has 476 signatures. The petition requirement necessary was 35% of the total vote cast for the office of mayor in the last general election, or 409 signatures.

In order for the recall timeline to move forward, it must be confirmed by the Custer County Clerk’s office that the signatures found on the petitions are indeed those of voters registered in the city of Broken Bow. Below is a recall time frame from an earlier story regarding  the defense statement filed by Broken Bow Mayor Jonathon Berghorst in response to the recall petition.

Recall Time Frame:
File Affidavit

Up to:
10 Days after affidavit turned in to notify the Mayor
20 Days for Mayor to make Defense Statement
20 Days to pick up Petition Papers
30 Days to collect needed signatures
15 Days to verify signatures
10 Days to notify Mayor if recall petition is sufficient
50-80 Days to order election

Max 185 days/6 Months

In the event of a recall election, those who signed the petition are not required to vote in favor of the recall.
