Custer County Board Of Supervisors Approves Road Closure For 2019 SORC Races

CUSTER COUNTY— The Sandhills Open Road Challenge will be coming back to Custer County as approval for the road closure was approved by the Custer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, September 25. The closure will take place from August 9-10, 2019 on the exact same path as previous years. Registration for the SORC races will begin starting the first part of October.

Rick Mass and Sheryl Carson appeared before the board to receive board approval to expand the Custer County Tourism website to make improvements and to make events and information readily available. The improvements include creating tabs on each community in Custer County and allow each of those towns access to create events and keep tourists updated on what is occurring in each town.

Also being updated will be different tabs to allow for those interested in the grants and other information to be able to access it quicker and more efficiently. The total price tag on the update will be in the area of $4,000 which is also near the same amount if an entire new website was created. The Custer County Visitors Committee will be using funds that have already been allocated in the budget for the project, but in order to continue had to receive approval from the board.

Christie Trumbull, who is running unopposed in this year’s election for the Register of Deeds, was approved to begin accepting applications for the Deputy Register of Deeds. The reason for this position is so that if someone would come in and need approval the deputy can sign off on the paper work. This allows the elected register to be gone and still have the deputy register available to sign the documents needed.

At a previous board meeting, the board had discussed the possibilities of setting a price limit on items that are to be inventoried as to make a more efficient inventory sheet. There were two motions brought forward, the first was to set the price limit to inventorying anything above $250 which died due to lack of a second.

The second motion set the price limit to $150 and above which did receive a second, however it failed to pass with Dwain Bryner and Matt Eggleston voting yes, Bobby Myers, Tammy Kleeb, and Don Olson voting no, and Don McCullough abstaining from voting. Discussion on the matter was not continued.

The next scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting will take place on October 9 at 9 A.M.
