Sheriff’s Departments Warn of Slick Highways, County Roads

Sheriff’s Departments Warn of Slick Highways, County Roads
Photo courtesy NDOT - Blue = Completely covered, Pink = Partially covered, Green = normal
COLUMBUS - Roads around the area are in varying conditions Monday afternoon, but are going to get another coating of precipitation overnight. The Platte and Merrick County Sheriff's Offices went to Facebook on Monday to warn residents that roads are rough shape in areas around the two counties. Crews have been working to treat roads, but the icy rain and cold temperatures have created patches of black ice, that will cause motorists difficulties while traveling. The Nebraska Department of Transportation says highways in the Central City area north through Fullerton, Albion and Neligh are completely covered in ice. From Albion west towards Humphrey, Clarkson, Leigh, and Howells, roads are also completely covered in ice. The Fremont and North Bend areas are also being considered completely covered. Directly around Columbus, and to the west of Schuyler roads are considered normal driving condition, but all highways surrounding David City, and south of Schuyler are considered partially covered in snow. Motorists traveling for Sub-distirct Basketball games on Monday evening should take note of Highway driving conditions, before beginning their trip. The path from Columbus to York, where the CHS boys will be playing, is considered to be normal driving conditions. Click here for the latest conditions. 