Custer County Board Of Supervisors Hold Brief Meeting Tuesday

CUSTER COUNTY— In one of the shortest meetings of the year so far, the Custer County Board of Supervisors rolled through their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 29.

The only lengthy discussion centered on determining an hourly rate for county surveyor work when working with townships. County Surveyor Jay Gormley talked with the board about the need for the rate and the necessity that it needs to be something the townships can afford.

At first, Gormley asked the board to set a rate that would cover the two different types of work, field and office, but after discussion it was determined that having two different rates would be complicated. The board discussed keeping things simple and that having one rate would be best and also agreed that it would need to be something affordable that would simply cover the cost of the work and not necessarily be a ‘money maker.’

No decision was made on the rate as Gormley informed the board that he would  do more research into the rates used by other counties and would report back when he had more information.

Other items discussed included board Chairman Barry Fox talking about the renovation project as he reported that it was in the cleanup stages. County Clerk Constance Gracey reminded the board that County Government Day would be on November 18 and while a schedule had not been sent out before the meeting, the day would most likely begin around 8 AM.

There were only a few items on the agenda that required a vote from the board including the approval of the State Auditor letter of engagement for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2019, the certification of the County Highway Superintendent for 2019, and the distress warrant report.

The next Custer County Board of Supervisors meetings will be held on November 12 and November 26, both at 9 AM in the Supervisors Room on the top floor of the Custer County Courthouse.
