Broken Bow Police Department Welcomes New Officer

Broken Bow Police Department Welcomes New Officer
Coby Cassidy, Berwyn, takes Police Officer oath with city attorney Jason White during Tuesday's city council meeting
BROKEN BOW—Tuesday’s city council meeting began with the swearing in of a new police officer, Coby Cassidy. City Attorney Jason White assisted with the Police Officer oath and Cassidy will attend training in September, according to Broken Bow Police Chief Steve Scott. Chief Scott welcomed Cassidy, who is from Burwell, and said he thinks Cassidy will be a good fit. Law enforcement careers run in the family as Cassidy has a brother who serves as a state patrolman out of St. Paul, according to Chief Scott. Staci Miller with Cobblestone and Boarders hotels appeared before the City Council to discuss the Troop Tribute; a fundraiser to create a “visual sense of support to families with service members.” (The name has been changed from Walk of Flags to Troop Tribute, according to Miller.) She and Becky Denson spoke with the Park Board on Monday evening (click here for story) about the fundraiser of American flags/nameplates in honor of loved ones who have served in the military. Purchased flags will line the city square at the end of July during the county parade and fair. Proceeds from the flag sales will go toward care packages to troops and donations to families to help with bills and groceries. A free-will donation watermelon feed is also scheduled to take place in the square the night of the Custer County parade. The city council approved opening a new savings account for a library maintenance fund to comply with the requirements of the Daugherty Grant for the library project. After a public hearing, a new manager application for alcohol at Shopko was also approved. Click here to see meeting agenda and attachments A public hearing was held and three readings were waived on Ordinance 1180, College Estates Replat. City Administrator Brent Clark explained that the ordinance will establish a right-of-way for South 19th and South G streets, south of Dollar General. Approval was recommended by the Planning Commission and the council approved the ordinance. Resolution 2018-36 was approved to allow gap paving on South 19th Avenue with the estimated project cost of $350,000. Resolution 2018-37 was also approved for payment #6 to JEO in the amount of $1,657.75 for work completed on the Broken Bow Flood Risk Reduction through April 20. At 12:20 p.m. the council voted to move into closed session for the purpose of discussing the evaluation of a job performance and to discuss a potential land acquisition. No decisions were made.