3rd Annual Blue Jean Benefit Hosted Thursday Night

COLUMBUS -  Local residents took time Thursday night to support a local cancer foundation, that hopes to help those in the area suffering from the disease. Columbus Cancer Care's Dr. Joan Keit says they were excited to kick off the 3rd Annual event, and are happy to see the continued support from the community. "Columbus Cancer Care started about four years ago, and the idea was to provide support services for cancer patients and their families, in Platte County and the surrounding area. It's grown since then, and this is our main fundraiser. It's enabled us to purchase a van that transports people to treatments, we have gas cards for people who need help with that, we have a support group, and wig bank, and quit a few services now," says Dr. Keit. There was a live and silent auction that attendees could take part in, that featured a variety of items, including special sports gear and jewelry, and having a good turnout for the event is import to the foundation's success. "It's going to fund everything we do for the next year. We do have one special part of our auction at the end of the night, where we are going to ask people to donate $25 for gas cards, and actually every $25 that was donated I will match dollar for dollar," says Dr. Keit. Gas cards are used to help cancer patients get to treatments, if they are asked to travel outside Columbus, and Dr. Keit says they are trying to help alleviate a portion of the expenses, cancer patients must pay. If you would like to donate to Columbus Cancer Care, or find out more about what they do, you can contact them at 402-562-8666.