Supporters Rally On Behalf Of Auburn School Superintendent

AUBURN – Over 150 parents, students and teachers turned out Wednesday in support of Auburn Public Schools Superintendent Kevin Reiman.

The school board voted to suspend the superintendent with pay and immediately went into closed session, leaving Reiman in charge to clear the room before he left.   Many outside the meeting room were asking for an explanation and a chance to voice their opinion.

Mandy Hall: “The showing here tonight proves that the Reimans are  a huge part of our community. Everybody here is here to support them, to show them our love and support. The fact that nobody is able to talk, nobody is able to tell the school board how we feel, they are making decisions on our community’s behalf without hearing what we have to say. It’s wrong.”

Student Cameron Binder say the Reimans are doing great things in Auburn.

Binder: “I transferred here myself and they helped me a lot in that transition.”

He said no one is surprised that so many people showed up in support of the school’s top administrator.

Binder: “We all feel the same. We know what he does here and we know that we want him to stay. He’s going to do great things, if he stays.”

The school board also held closed sessions on Dec. 10 and Dec. 21. At Monday’s meeting, Board President Ryan Jones said no comments would be made to the public or media.

Athletic coaches ended practices early Monday so that students could attend the meeting.

Daniel Frary: “He’s a great person. He has six foster kids he takes in, just trying to give them a better life. He really cares about people. He knows what’s best for them. He’s someone I’ve always looked up to as a role model. He does what’s best for people. He’ll always have your back.”

Reimain began his career as a science teacher and coach at Weeping Water. He came to Auburn in 1997 as a guidance counselor.

