Litchfield’s Jackson takes first in Congressional Art Competition, to show work in D.C.

Litchfield’s Jackson takes first in Congressional Art Competition, to show work in D.C.
Litchfield's Rowden Jackson's "Copper Tractor" will be on display at the U.S. Capital for a year after winning Congressman Adrian Smith's Congressional Art Competition.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Adrian Smith has announced the winners of his 2023 Congressional Art Competition for Nebraska’s Third District, and the piece to be displayed at the U.S. Capitol, comes from Custer County.

Litchfield Public Schools’ Rowden Jackson had their work selected as the overall winner of all submissions. Jackson’s piece, a hollow relief of a tractor on a copper plate, will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for a year.

Congressman Smith congratulated the winners of the competition and thanked the students who submitted their work, and highlighted the efforts of the teachers who inspired those students to exercise their talent and imagination.

Runners-up in the competition were Monique Trejo of Potter-Dix Schools in second, whose piece will be shown in Congressman Smith’s D.C. office, Kenesaw Public Schools’ Grace Harmon, whose third place work will hang in Smith’s Grand Island Office, and Adams Central Junior/Senior High’s Libbi Hood in fourth, whose piece will be shown in Smith’s Scottsbluff office.

Those works are below.

Monique Trejo of Potter-Dix Schools’ “Josiah is My Little Brother” won second place.
Kenesaw’ Public Schools’ Grace Harmon’s third place “The Soul of the Sandhills.”
Hastings’ Libbi Hood’s fourth place work, “Checka.”