Liquor sale start time moved up, conditional zoning permit approved by City Council

Liquor sale start time moved up, conditional zoning permit approved by City Council
Chief Scott introduces new officer Chris Leibert to City Council and Broken Bow

At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting in Broken Bow, several important items were discussed and approved on Tuesday, April 23.

Some of the amendments included correcting the vendor pay from Bryan Keezer in the bills as they were posted. The council also pointed out the need to update the Broken Bow Ambulance Roster to add two new licensed paramedics, Mason Holmes and Brianna Holmes.

Jeff Ray addresses the council

The council approved a conditional use permit for Clyde Arnold, which would ultimately be a lot split to AKRS Equipment in a location behind the Berean Bible Church along Highway 2. Zoning Administrator Jacob Holcomb opened the discussion and welcomed Jeff Ray from the JEO Consulting Firm to talk more about the next steps in the process. Ray explained that the next step is to file a Nebraska Department of Transportation access permit for highway access, and they will decide whether to permit the project based on safety concerns and traffic data surrounding the area. A highway access point and Memorial Drive access point are both options for the project.

Another significant approval was the change in the selling time of alcoholic liquor in the city of Broken Bow on Sundays. Restaurants like Legends Neighborhood Grill, Bonfire Grill and Fiesta Brava are affected by the new sale time, which will now start at 10 a.m. Liquor stores and grocery stores will remain closed until noon for purchase and leave alcohol, as that statute is unrelated.

The meeting addressed the temporary closing of parking spaces around the Custer County Courthouse, giving County Supervisor Dwain Bryner temporary authority to close spaces on an “as needed” basis until July 1, 2024, to protect the public from construction hazards.

Chief Scott introduced new police officer Chris Leibert to the council members, highlighting his completion of 15 weeks of training to become a Nebraska certified police officer for the city of Broken Bow.

Mona Weatherly, Custer County Chief, invited both council members and the public to a candidate forum at the Municipal Building on April 24 at 6:30 p.m., ahead of the primary on May 14. Both radio stations will live stream the forum for those unable to attend in person.

The meeting concluded at 6:35 p.m., and the next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building.
