City Council Agenda: Tuesday, October 25

City Council Agenda: Tuesday, October 25
The full agenda for Tuesday's meeting.

BROKEN BOW – The Broken Bow City Council will meet at its usual time and place on Tuesday, October 25: the Municipal Auditorium at 6 p.m.

On the docket will be the approval of the consent agenda, including the minutes of the October 11 meeting and the bills as posted.

Cathy Larson of the Prairie Pioneer Center will present to the council, and other administrative communications will be heard.

In old business, the council will revisit Ordinance 1264, which proposes a well head protection plan for the city’s water. There will be a public hearing of the ordinance which should include representatives from JEO, along with a prospective approval, and the waiving of the third reading.

As always, the meeting is open to the public; a full agenda is attached.
