Callaway School Board Appoints New Member

The Callaway Courier provided this update on the Callaway Board of Education’s March 11 meeting to KCNI/KBBN Radio and Sandhillexpress. This is a condensed version. Ellen Mortensen wrote the original article.

The Callaway Board of Education has a new member as of March 11. Two individuals threw their hats in the ring to fill a vacancy left on the board by Vince Guthrie, who relocated from the district.

Rebecca Eggleston and Kurt Berg were both present and basically underwent an interview process by the board in an open meeting. Board President Mike Reiff asked each prospect the same series of questions, including why they are seeking to sit on the board, what they feel they can bring to the table, and what they see as some of the biggest problems facing the district.

Both candidates identified teacher retention and recruitment as the most significant issue the district will face in the near future. Later in the meeting, the board voted on which candidate to choose and voted to appoint Eggleston to fulfill the remainder of Guthrie’s term. TR Anderson was the lone nay vote on that motion.

The board unanimously approved the contract with ESU 10 for special education services. In an action item later in the meeting, the board approved a contract for Maddison Huppert as the new speech-language pathologist. The board also accepted the resignation of English teacher Hannah Beck with regret.

The members also discussed the proposed calendar for the 2024-25 school year. The board unanimously approved the calendar as presented. Finally, the board approved the annual cooperative agreement for boys basketball, girls basketball, and wrestling for 2024-25.

The next meeting of the Callaway school board will be Monday, April 8, at 8 p.m.

