Broken Bow School Board Preparing for 2024-2025

The Broken Bow School Board held its regular meeting on Monday, April 8, at 6 pm in the high school board room. Treasurer J.B. Atkins and Tim Chancellor were absent and excused by the board.

The meeting was short and moved swiftly. The minutes of the previous meeting, the Treasurer’s report, and the claims report were all approved without lengthy discussion.

Superintendent Tobey highlighted district accolades, including an Autism Conference some staff members recently attended. Tobey said they returned with some new ideas that instructors could consider implementing. The school received many compliments about the efficient operation of the Bow Invitational Track Meet held at Mark Russell Field on Friday, April 5. Students took part in a Cleanup Day last week during ACT testing for the first time. Superintendent Tobey was pleased with the effort and said the school plans to hold the event again next year. Sixty-two Broken Bow High School students received the Nebraska State Colleges Multi-Activity Award. The award recognizes grades 9-12 students participating in at least three NSAA-sanctioned activities during the academic year. Each high school student who participated in at least three NSAA activities was recognized and awarded a certificate of achievement by the NSAA and the Nebraska State Colleges.

Under Discussion and Action Items, the Board passed a Negotiated Agreement for 2024-2025, which addressed compensation for staff working during extracurricular activities. Also approved were six policies that enforce guidelines during construction and remodeling projects.

The Board approved a teacher’s contract agreement with Kaylee Martinsen. Ms. Martinsen will fill the Elementary Guidance Counselor opening. Superintendent Tobey told the Board that the band instructor position has yet to be filled, and two elementary positions are still open.

The Board approved two changes for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar. The April 4 track meet will be moved to April 11, and the Monday following Easter will not be a vacation day. Due to construction, Tobey noted that next year’s classes will begin on September 3.

The house owned by Don and Kathy Province will become the property of the Broken Bow Schools on June 1, 2024. Superintendent Tobey said the home is across the street east of the Activities Building. The house will be rented to staff and the garage will house equipment.

The next meeting will be held May 13 at 6:00 p.m.
