Broken Bow Mayor Holds First Press Conference: “Communication And Transparency”

BROKEN BOW— Transparency and communication have been the top two ideals pushed by Mayor Rod Sonnichsen in the past few weeks. Now that Mayor Sonnichsen has had a chance to settle into his new role, on Monday, February 10 he held his first of many press conferences.

*Full audio below*

Mayor Sonnichsen said that the city is very busy, as the multiple departments through the city prepare to go “into the fast lane” in the next few months. A few of the projects that are currently being worked on include making sure the city is compliant when it comes to insurance, street construction enhancements, and a collaboration project for emergency services.

The emergency services collaboration is to hopefully have faster responses and better care to patients who could be in life or death situations. While the project is in initial stages, Mayor Sonnichsen said that between the City of Broken Bow, Jennie M. Melham Memorial Medical Center, and Broken Bow EMS they hope to find ways to improve these critical pieces in emergency services.

The Mayor also talked about the work the different departments were doing, which included the water and sewer department fixing a water main issue that had occurred last week, the parks department which is working on the bathrooms at Tomahawk Park to be more ADA compliant, and the Broken Bow Police Department (BBPD) which has received an application to fill an open position in the department.

Mayor Sonnichsen gave additional updates with BBPD and noted that the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program would be beginning at Broken Bow Public Schools this week. Also, BBPD would be looking to get regular updates on their body cameras which will be helped with STOP program funds and possible grants.

When talking about the upcoming city council agenda, Mayor Sonnichsen noted that one big agenda item is the possible appointment of someone to fill the vacant position on the council. Mayor Sonnichsen said the search to fill the vacant position started with thirty-two names and was down to five as of Monday morning.

The Mayor will present his choice to the council where they will vote to approve or disapprove the selection. If approved, the new council member will be sworn in immediately, but if disapproved, the Mayor will present a number of selections to the council at the next council meeting.

Below is the audio to the press conference which included topics of street enhancements, Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley visiting Broken Bow, city department projects, Broken Bow City Council Agenda, Waste Water Treatment Facility reports, and more.

Press Conference with Mayor Rod Sonnichsen:
