Nebraska woman walks dog while wearing dinosaur costume

ST. PAUL, NE – During this crisis health officials have encouraged people to go outside and stay active but still say it’s important to maintain your social distance.

That can be tough when sidewalks are clogged with dog-walkers, but one St. Paul woman may have found the solution.

Tuesday was the second day Carissa Stepanek has walked her dog Chloe… while wearing an inflatable dinosaur costume. She says the costume serves a double purpose, helping her to feel safe and making people smile.

“Nobody’s supposed to go out, you’re not supposed to have anyone around you, everyone’s stuck indoors, and they’re tired of being cooped up,” Stepanek said.  “At least when they look out the window they’ve got something funny to look at.”

Stepanek says the costume doesn’t scare Chloe.  The dog is just happy as long as she’s outside.
