Nebraska Farm Bureau Blasts Trump’s “Trade War” Tariffs

Nebraska Farm Bureau Blasts Trump’s “Trade War” Tariffs
Steve Nelson, President Nebraska Farm Bureau
LINCOLN - Steve Nelson, The President of the Nebraska Farm Bureau, released a statement on Friday, March 2 regarding the "Trade War' Tariffs proposed by President Trump. Nelson says, "President Trump’s plans to place U.S. tariffs on imported steel and aluminum presents a real and viable threat to the future of U.S. agricultural trade and the prosperity of American agriculture. History has shown us that these types of actions lead to retaliation from our trade partners that ultimately destabilize markets for agricultural commodities; markets that Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers depend upon for their livelihoods." Nelson also says that more than 30 percent of the U.S. gross farm income is received from the ability to export agricultural commodities, many of which are produced in Nebraska. Nelson believes that trade wars are not good or easy to win. He says, "We urge the president to rethink this dangerous course of action that could have long-lasting negative impacts to an already struggling U.S. agricultural economy and the farm and ranch families that will feel the real consequences of lost markets.”