United Way Tackles Obstacles in General Campaign Kick-Off

COLUMBUS - The Columbus Area United Way is kicking off it's general campaign, and tackling any obstacles in the way. UW Drive Chairman Joe Steffensmeier says they have started this year off great, as they wrap up their first portion of fundraising and head into the general campaign. "We are very excited. Today we announced the pacesetter results. We've had a great start to the campaign. We've raised $535,000, so we've got about $340,000 to go to hit our goal of $875,000," says Steffensmeier. As a part of the kick-off event, two teams of United Way Division leaders competed in an obstacle course that consisted of 5 different sections, for each of the 5 players on either team to compete in. "It's neat to see people that have come out, and get started, and they've got the energy and excitement. I really was thankful that there was people that would go and do an obstacle course and not know exactly what their up to, and that shows how much they care about the United Way, that they say yes and are willing to help get us started," says Steffensmeier. Steffensmeier said he is excited to take on the roll of Drive Chairman, and getting to see the inner-workings of what goes into a UW Campaign has been a good experience. Stefefnsmeier is excited to see the final results of the campaign, and says the support from the community thus far has been impressive.