Supervisors Accept Bid for Bridge Project near Ansley

CUSTER COUNTY—Midwest Underground Inc., out of Lincoln has been awarded the bid for a bridge project northwest of Ansley (#C21(390)A1). On February 13 the County Board of Supervisors heard from multiple companies offering bids and the highway committee and project engineers took the bids under advisement.

As for a bridge project along Sargent Road east of Gates (#C21(403)A1-Sargent Road, Highway Superintendent Chris Jacobsen said on Tuesday morning that the highway committee is waiting on a permit from the Corps of Engineers. As per the recommendation of the committee, the board voted to table awarding the bid until the permit is received. Jacobsen said the committee has been waiting for more than 60 days to get a response from the Corps of Engineers.

The program agreement for the second round of the County Bridge Match program was signed by the board for four upcoming bridge projects.

Tony Martin with Great Plains Communications spoke to the board regarding phone and data wiring and rewiring as part of the third floor renovation project. Wiring needs to be redone as part of the project and the upcoming addition of an elevator. A motion to setup phone lines upstairs and use funds from the sinking fund was approved. Before installation, the board will also likely be hearing from Platte Valley.

The board hopes to put renovation work out for bids over the next month, according to Barry Fox. Troy Walz with the Extension Office was granted permission to park a university vehicle on county property.

Filing deadlines for non-incumbents is March 1 with the office of the County Clerk. Jay Gormley with Nebraska Land Surveying, LLC appeared before the board and is considering putting his name on the ballot for County Surveyor. However, the discussion focused on county duties versus an elected official also operating a private business. After much discussion, the board voted to allow the elected position to also conduct private business, provided that county duties take precedence. The board voted four to one in favor of this motion.
