Broken Bow Says Thank You To Doug Staab and Dan Anderson

Broken Bow Says Thank You To Doug Staab and Dan Anderson
Doug Staab, Mayor Cecil Burt, Dan Anderson

BROKEN BOW— Working for the city has come to a close for two cherished employees of Broken Bow. Dan Anderson and Doug Staab have concluded their service for the city in a farewell celebration at Fiesta Brava on Thursday, August 30. With a combined 49 years of service, both gentlemen will take on different rolls as they open a new chapter in their lives.

Doug Staab, who was worked for the city for 19 years, has served as the Electrical Superintendent for eight of those years. Staab, who served in the Navy for four and a half years, moved around the country with his wife Sheila, before deciding to come back to an area he had grown up in, Broken Bow.

Staab has been involved not only in the community, but also in his children’s lives as he has seen them grow all through school, sports, and extra-curricular activities. Doug and his wife have now made plans to go into real-estate in Mississippi and possibly other places in the south.

Dan Anderson has worked for Broken Bow for 30 years and has been the Park Superintendent for 13 of those years. Anderson spent the first 17 years working for the city in the street department, before being asked to take over as park superintendent when the street and park departments were separated.

Anderson has 15 grand kids throughout Iowa and Missouri that he plans on visiting regularly in the early stages of retirement. He and his wife, Wanda, bought a camper and plan on using it regularly while traveling. While he may be retired from the city, Doug says he has no plans of stopping work completely. Doug figures he might find a part-time job to keep himself busy after taking some time to relax and catch his breath.

A big thank you to both Doug Staab and Dan Anderson for all of your years of committed and faithful service, good luck on your future endeavors!
