Agenda: Council Vacancy, Refunding Bond, And More Scheduled For City Council Tuesday at 6 PM

January 28, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Broken Bow Library
626 South D Street, Broken Bow, NE


Meeting Procedure
The Public may address specific agenda items at the pleasure of the Mayor. Please come to the podium, state your name and address, and limit your remarks to five minutes or less. Out of respect to City employees, we request that any complaints or criticisms of employees not be aired in a public meeting. Concerns about employees should be brought to the attention of the City Administrator or Mayor. An individual in violation will be declared out of order.

A. Call to Order

B. Open Meetings Act: This is an open meeting of the Broken Bow City Council. The City of
Broken Bow abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Open
Meetings Act is displayed in this room as required by law.

C. Roll Call

D. Pledge of Allegiance

E. Submittal of Requests for Future Items: Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda Items. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given.

F. Consent Agenda: Consideration of approving the consent agenda items for January 28, 2020, which will include the following:
a. Approval of Minutes of January 14, 2020 Meeting
b. Approval of Bills as Posted
c. Approval of December Treasurer Report

G. Discussion Items
a. Fireworks – Broken Bow Fire Department

H. New Business:
a. Election of Council President – Council will nominate and vote on a new Council President.
b. Notice of Vacancy of Councilmember – Notice of vacancy of Councilmember presented to Council.
c. Signors for the Bank Accounts – Consideration of approving City Clerk Stephanie Wright,
Mayor Rod Sonnichsen, and the newly elected Council President as authorized signers for
all city accounts held at Bruning State Bank and Nebraska State Bank. Also authorizing
Police Chief Steven Scott as an authorized signer for accounts ending 384, 999, 095 at
Nebraska State Bank, and Utility Clerk Katie Hogg as an authorized signer for accounts
ending 831, 631, 173, and 179 at Nebraska State Bank.
d. Custer Economic Development Corporation Membership Pledge – Consideration of accepting the membership level of Class A Member to the Custer Economic Development Corporation.
e. Resolution 2020-2, Call for Payment of Electric Utility Revenue Bond, 2014 Series- Consideration of approving the call for payment of Electric Utility Revenue Bond.
f. Public Hearing on Ordinance 1219, Electric Utility Revenue Refunding Bond- Consideration of opening a public hearing on Ordinance 1219, Electric Utility Revenue Refunding Bond.
g. Waive Three Readings of Ordinance 1219, Electric Utility Revenue Refunding Bond- Consideration of waiving the three readings of Ordinance 1219.
h. Ordinance 1219, Electric Utility Revenue Refunding Bond – Consideration of approving Ordinance 1219, Electric Utility Revenue Refunding Bond.

I. Comments by Mayor and Council Members Concerning City Departments.

J. Adjournment

The next City Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm at the Broken Bow Public Library.
