Initial Winner

Initial Winner slide

Your initials can win you cold hard cash!   Each weekday morning at 6:10, The A Team, Austen & Angie will call out 3 letters. If those letters are your initials – you have 9 minutes 27 seconds to call in and win the Sugar Plum Oak Initial winner Jackpot.

The jackpot starts at $9.27 and if there are no matches that day, the jackpot grows by $9.27 and 3 new initials will be drawn the next day.
Once initials are matched, the lucky listener wins the total amount of the jackpot and then we start over the next day at $9.27.

The Rules are Simple:

  • You must be old enough to talk on the phone and tell us your name
  • Must provide a valid form of ID to prove your initials
  • You must use your current legal name (no maiden names, nicknames or aliases)
  • Once you hear your initials, you have 9 minutes and 27 seconds to call in and win!
  • Oh…and the initials have to be in the order we call out!

Winners can pick up their check the Friday after they win at Sugar Plum Oak on West Highway 275 in Norfolk. Bring your ID with you to claim your check.
